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[合成/合成器/其它] WA Production – Instacomposer 2 v2.0.0.230721 VSTi, VSTi3, AAX x86 x64 -MIDI GEN强大的MIDI生成器插件,旨在彻底改变音乐制作过程。无论你是一名专业音乐家还是刚起步的音乐家,为你提供了无尽的可能性



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发表于 2023-7-29 23:09:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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We have all experienced those moments when creativity dries up. Fear not, as the newly updated Instacomposer 2 is your ultimate muse. This is a powerful MIDI generator plugin designed to revolutionize the music production process. Whether you’re a professional musician or just starting out, this versatile instrument offers endless possibilities for creating breathtaking melodies, phrases, riffs and chord progressions in a variety of genres and styles.

我们都经历过创造力枯竭的时刻。不用担心,因为最新更新的Instacomposer 2是你的终极缪斯女神。这是一个强大的MIDI生成器插件,旨在彻底改变音乐制作过程。无论你是一名专业音乐家还是刚起步的音乐家,这款多才多艺的乐器都为你提供了无尽的可能性,可以创造出各种流派和风格的令人惊叹的旋律、短语、即兴段和和弦进行曲。

Built on the original, Instacomposer 2 brings exciting new features and improvements to make your experience even more enjoyable. Organize song ideas and parts with 8 new ‘Scenes’, providing a convenient way to store different variations in one preset. Melodies can be created in different modes and combined with unique chord progressions for each scale. A new virtual keyboard and dedicated chord menus help with scale and chord selection. The update introduces two new generation modes. Drums; easy creation of drum parts in various styles and complexity, as well as pad 2; Create fuller sounds by combining pad and chord modes. Artificial intelligence algorithms have been improved to generate rhythm, phrase and melody, resulting in more accurate results. New parameters such as Sustain and Chord Helper provide additional control. The plugin now offers six full tracks, improved performance with reduced CPU usage, and deprecated support for loading presets from the previous version.

Instacomposer 2以原版为基础,带来了令人兴奋的新功能和改进,让您的体验更加愉快。用8个新的“场景”组织歌曲创意和部分,为在一个预设中存储不同的变体提供了一种方便的方式。旋律可以以不同的模式创作,并与每个音阶的独特和弦进行相结合。新的虚拟键盘和专用的和弦菜单有助于缩放和和弦选择。更新引入了两种新的生成模式。鼓容易创建各种风格和复杂性的鼓部件,以及垫2;通过组合垫和和弦模式来创造更饱满的声音。人工智能算法已经得到改进,可以生成节奏、短语和旋律,从而产生更准确的结果。诸如Sustain和Chord Helper之类的新参数提供了额外的控制。该插件现在提供了六个完整的音轨,降低了CPU使用率,提高了性能,并支持从以前的版本加载预设。

Each new starting point for Instacomposer 2 generates a unique result, ensuring you never run out of fresh ideas and possibilities for your compositions. Unlike random note generation, Instacomposer 2 uses carefully crafted algorithms and databases to generate musical ideas. Imitating human creativity, he creates rhythmic and melodic structures that just sound right, choosing notes that fit the given scale and context, and creating cohesive phrases that complement basic chords. Instacomposer 2 understands our brain’s tendency to recognize patterns in music. The AI ​​uses a variety of shapes and formats to create exciting combinations of beats and beats, adding the rhythmic and melodic coherence often found in chart-topping music. Using small pieces of music that repeat or occur in various forms throughout a tune, Instacomposer 2 creates larger blocks, creating a sense of unity throughout your music. Depending on the selected mode and settings, the plugin harmonizes the notes to enrich the sound, resulting in a more cohesive composition as it aligns the melody along the chords. With customizable AI controls and variable chaos options, you are in charge of how Instacomposer 2 develops ideas (and how far it deviates from the rules). Fine-tune various components such as chord complexity, note filling, beat and bar structuring, pattern generation, harmonization, velocity randomization, and more. that repeat or occur in various forms throughout a tune, Instacomposer 2 creates larger blocks, creating a sense of unity throughout your music. Depending on the selected mode and settings, the plugin harmonizes the notes to enrich the sound, resulting in a more cohesive composition as it aligns the melody along the chords. With customizable AI controls and variable chaos options, you are in charge of how Instacomposer 2 develops ideas (and how far it deviates from the rules). Fine-tune various components such as chord complexity, note filling, beat and bar structuring, pattern generation, harmonization, velocity randomization, and more. that repeat or occur in various forms throughout a tune, Instacomposer 2 creates larger blocks, creating a sense of unity throughout your music. Depending on the selected mode and settings, the plugin harmonizes the notes to enrich the sound, resulting in a more cohesive composition as it aligns the melody along the chords. With customizable AI controls and variable chaos options, you are in charge of how Instacomposer 2 develops ideas (and how far it deviates from the rules). Fine-tune various components such as chord complexity, note filling, beat and bar structuring, pattern generation, harmonization, velocity randomization, and more. Depending on the selected mode and settings, the plugin harmonizes the notes to enrich the sound, resulting in a more cohesive composition as it aligns the melody along the chords. With customizable AI controls and variable chaos options, you are in charge of how Instacomposer 2 develops ideas (and how far it deviates from the rules). Fine-tune various components such as chord complexity, note filling, beat and bar structuring, pattern generation, harmonization, velocity randomization, and more. Depending on the selected mode and settings, the plugin harmonizes the notes to enrich the sound, resulting in a more cohesive composition as it aligns the melody along the chords. With customizable AI controls and variable chaos settings, you are in charge of how Instacomposer 2 develops ideas (and how far it deviates from the rules). Fine-t

Instacomposer 2的每一个新起点都会产生独特的结果,确保你的作品永远不会耗尽新鲜的想法和可能性。与随机音符生成不同,Instacomposer 2使用精心制作的算法和数据库来生成音乐创意。模仿人类的创造力,他创造了听起来恰到好处的节奏和旋律结构,选择了符合给定音阶和上下文的音符,并创造了与基本和弦互补的连贯短语。Instacomposer 2了解我们大脑识别音乐模式的倾向。AI​​使用各种形状和格式来创造令人兴奋的节拍和节拍组合,增加了排行榜冠军音乐中常见的节奏和旋律连贯性。Instacomposer 2使用在整首曲子中以各种形式重复或出现的小段音乐,创建更大的区块,在整个音乐中创造一种统一感。根据所选的模式和设置,插件会协调音符以丰富声音,使旋律与和弦对齐,从而形成更具凝聚力的作品。通过可定制的人工智能控制和可变的混乱选项,您可以负责Instacomposer 2如何发展想法(以及它偏离规则的程度)。微调各种组成部分,如和弦复杂性、音符填充、节拍和小节结构、模式生成、协调、速度随机化等。在整首曲子中以各种形式重复或出现,Instacomposer 2会创建更大的块,在整个音乐中创造一种统一感。根据所选的模式和设置,插件会协调音符以丰富声音,使旋律与和弦对齐,从而形成更具凝聚力的作品。通过可定制的人工智能控制和可变的混乱选项,您可以负责Instacomposer 2如何发展想法(以及它偏离规则的程度)。微调各种组成部分,如和弦复杂性、音符填充、节拍和小节结构、模式生成、协调、速度随机化等。在整首曲子中以各种形式重复或出现,Instacomposer 2会创建更大的块,在整个音乐中创造一种统一感。根据所选的模式和设置,插件会协调音符以丰富声音,使旋律与和弦对齐,从而形成更具凝聚力的作品。通过可定制的人工智能控制和可变的混乱选项,您可以负责Instacomposer 2如何发展想法(以及它偏离规则的程度)。微调各种组成部分,如和弦复杂性、音符填充、节拍和小节结构、模式生成、协调、速度随机化等。根据所选的模式和设置,插件会协调音符以丰富声音,使旋律与和弦对齐,从而形成更具凝聚力的作品。通过可定制的人工智能控制和可变的混乱选项,您可以负责Instacomposer 2如何发展想法(以及它偏离规则的程度)。微调各种组成部分,如和弦复杂性、音符填充、节拍和小节结构、模式生成、协调、速度随机化等。根据所选的模式和设置,插件会协调音符以丰富声音,使旋律与和弦对齐,从而形成更具凝聚力的作品。通过可定制的人工智能控制和可变的混乱设置,您可以负责Instacomposer 2如何发展想法(以及它偏离规则的程度)




累计签到:2 天
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发表于 2023-8-27 23:01:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国北京



发表于 2023-8-30 18:07:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国台湾
[发帖际遇]: oven168 乐于助人,奖励 6 贡献. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜


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发表于 2023-10-14 17:05:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国北京
[发帖际遇]: sydyyy 在论坛发帖时没有注意,被小偷偷去了 2 银币. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜


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