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The silky sound: This excellent console has the most sweet, modern and musical sound. The circuit topology is unprecedented: custom transformers, high voltage, discrete op-amp cards that have been developed to offer extended headroom, dynamic range, and frequency response. The programs: Carefully sampled @96kHz in a professional recording studio with hi-quality audio and digital cables and master grade converters with audio levels perfectly matched and calibrated. They are precisely programmed without normalizing or other destructive digital processing. The programs don’t sound processed, harsh or digital as most plugins do, but instead sound like a natural extension of the original audio, gluing your tracks in the mix with an analog vibe.
. Basic programs with full dynamic and harmonic content 10 kernels
. Special edition “se” programs (CPU friendly) 3 – 5 kernels
. Deep, wide, dynamics with the feeling and character of a real top-class analog console
. 8 Different input channels arranged by Line, Mic and with “silk” engaged
. 6 Buss Group programs: clean and slightly colored for drums, percussion, synth pads, backing vocals and electric guitars
. 1 Send Return Buss
. 2 Mix Buss Out: clean stock console, and modern sound with top-class EQ patched
. Precision Analog Panner with -3dB Pan-Law
. Better sound with less CPU and RAM load
. Over 800MB library programs