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Imagine having 100 of the world’s best sounding drumkits at your disposal. From punchy tight rock kits, to fat and sizzly vintage kits, and just about everything in between, Steven Slate Drums 4.0 Platinum is the most complete drum instrument on the planet. 100 Kits means that we’ve got your drum sounds covered. New in 4.0 are dozens of new DELUXE series kits that were recorded with extreme precision, resulting in a remarkably natural playability. In SSD4 Platinum, you’ll find Rock, Metal, Vintage, Indie, Funk, and even Jazz/Brushes Deluxe Kits.
想象一下,有100个世界上最好的鼓点可供您使用。从结实的紧身摇滚套件,到肥大而闪亮的复古套件,以及介于两者之间的几乎所有套件,Steven Slate Drums 4.0 Platinum是这个星球上最完整的鼓乐器。100个套件意味着我们已经覆盖了您的鼓声。4.0中新增了数十款全新的DELUXE系列套件,这些套件以极高的精度录制,带来了非常自然的可玩性。在SSD4白金版中,您可以找到Rock、Metal、Vintage、Indie、Funk,甚至Jazz/Brushes豪华套装。
At the heart of Steven Slate Drums 4.0 is the SSD Player, a state of the art Mac/PC (AAX, RTAS, VST, AU) Drum Sampler built from the ground up by the award winning development team behind our TRIGGER drum replacement processor. The SSD Player is extremely easy and intuitive to use. Loading kits, customizing kits, mixing kits, loading and auditioning MIDI grooves, customizing MIDI maps, and routing discretely to your workstation are all a breeze with the SSD Player. It even lets you load your own drum samples to mix in with the Slate drumkits. SSD4 Platinum also brings back the classic Slate «Mix Ready» kits, but all reprogrammed for better sound, response, and realism. Included in these classic kits are the famous «Signature Kits», which are drumkits modeled after famous sounding artists and albums.
Steven Slate Drums 4.0的核心是SSD播放器,这是一款最先进的Mac/PC(AAX、RTAS、VST、AU)鼓采样器,由我们的TRIGGER鼓更换处理器背后的获奖开发团队从头开始构建。SSD播放器使用起来非常简单直观。使用SSD播放器,加载套件、自定义套件、混合套件、加载和试听MIDI凹槽、自定义MIDI映射以及离散地路由到工作站都是轻而易举的事。它甚至可以让你加载自己的鼓样本,与Slate鼓套件混合。SSD4 Platinum还带回了经典的Slate«Mix Ready»套件,但都经过了重新编程,以获得更好的声音、响应和逼真度。这些经典套装中包括著名的“签名套装”,这是模仿著名声音艺术家和专辑的鼓点套装。
Steven Slate SSD 4 Platinum:
Steven Slate SSD 4白金版:
100 of the world’s best sounding drumkits
Steven Slate Drums 4.0 is the SSD Player
Steven Slate Drums 4.0是SSD播放器
Classic Slate «Mix Ready» kits
经典Slate«Mix Ready»套件
Signature Kits: Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, Pantera, etc.
招牌套装:Metallica、Led Zeppelin、Nirvana、Pantera等。
New cymbal pack from Soultone Cymbals.
来自Soultone Cymbals的新钹包。
Five kits in the Urban/Dance/House/Electro genre
