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[混响] Cupwise Plates Of Legend Vol 3 Nebula 4 Library一个(立体声)金箔板式混响采样



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发表于 2022-12-26 22:26:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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A (stereo) gold foil plate reverb was used to make the programs in this library. They’re smaller than the more well known model plates used in parts I and II of this series, and said to sound darker. I think the reverb you get from this library is slightly darker than the stereo plates sampled for parts I and II, but not as dark as the mono ones. In my opinion this one is much ‘smoother’ than any of the previous plates too. It definitely sounds unique, but you can hear it for yourself by downloading and trying out the demo program, so do that now!

Just like the previous ones, this plate was sampled for use in Nebula to include a fully functional, sampled dampening control. It sounds and works great. You won’t find too many other Nebula reverbs with sampled adjustable controls in them, besides some of the other ones I’ve done. This does however mean that to use the 96khz version of the set you will need to be using the 64bit Nebula plugin (44.1khz version runs fine on 32bit). If you’re worried about CPU usage, I’ve made lite versions of the programs that you can use while mixing to fine tune the settings as you like, before switching to the full versions to render.


There are plenty of bonuses, just as before. This includes a stereo swapped version, a ‘mono’ version that only uses the sampled left channel from the hardware for both of your channels going into Nebula, another that only uses the sampled right channel, and another special mono version that uses a mix of the sampled left and right channels for each of your input channels (which gives a thicker sound).


Then there’s a ‘bionic’ program, which contains 3 selectable variations of the gold plate sound. These were sampled using a trick I came up with several years ago and which involves playing/recording the tones used in the sampling process at faster or slower speeds. It gives you slightly ‘darker’ or ‘brighter’ versions to use and they sound just as good as the main program, but different.


Last but not least, these plates are now skinned with excellent custom skins by Max Ponomaryov, aka azzimov! There are skins for both N3 and N4. The N3 skins allow you to switch between multiple programs without losing your settings (like the lite and full programs, or even trying out other plates).


发表于 2023-7-29 19:54:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国辽宁


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