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NoteAbility Pro 2.527 MAC OSX五线谱打谱软件



累计签到:58 天
连续签到:2 天
发表于 2013-1-14 14:37:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞
noteabilitypro是专业音乐乐谱软件包的麦金塔操作系统操作系统。基思博士在英属哥伦比亚大学开发的核心,它无疑是最精良的音乐符号软件可在任何平台。noteability结合音乐智能、图形的灵活性,直接和直观的图形用户界面。传递任何从简单的旋律,复杂的前卫音乐,发挥评分的合成器或使用Quick Time乐器和打印发布成绩单上的任何操作系统兼容的打印机。
*至少128 MB的内存
*至少100 MB的磁盘空间。
NoteAbilityPro is a professional music notation package for the Macintosh OS X operating system. Developed by Dr. Keith Hamel at the University of British Columbia, it is easily the most sophisticated music notation software available on any platform. NoteAbility combines both musical intelligence and graphical flexibility in a direct and intuitive graphical user interface. Notate anything from simple melodies to complex avant garde orchestral music, play the score on your MIDI synthesizer or using Quicktime Musical Instruments and print a publishable copy of your score on any OS X compatible printer.
If you have been frustrated by the awkwardness and inflexibility of other notation programs, or by the time it takes to learn them, then you definitely should have a look at NoteAbility Pro.
The demo version of NoteAbilityPro is a complete working copy of the program with some functions disabled. You are not allowed to save files, copy or export in certain formats, and printing is restricted to the first page only. Just follow the simple installation notes, and the OS X Installer application will ensure that all required files are installed into the correct locations.
System Requirements
    * any Macintosh computer capable of running the OS-X operating system. This includes all Macs with a G3, G4, or better processor.
    * Macintosh OS-X (version 10.2.0 or higher) installed on your hard drive or on a hard drive partition.
    * at least 128 MBytes of RAM
    * at least 100 Mbytes of free disk space.
    * any Mac OS-X compatible printer (using USB, Appletalk or on a network)
    * any Mac OS-X compatible USB Midi interface (optional)



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